Destiny 2 Might Not Get Cross-Play Support

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Image: Bungie

Cross play support is feature increasingly more talked about in recent years. At each hardware, or game, release this topic comes up. Bungie had updated Destiny 2 in August to include a cross save feature to help bridge platforms but cross-play is still in progress.

Trying to bring various platforms together for cross play is no easy task but Bungie is working on it. VGC spoke with Bungie communications director David “Deej” Dague about their ongoing efforts. He explained that it is a goal to bring players together but they cannot make promises about the future. He continued to say that they’re keen on this feature but allocation of resources is always a challenge.

How important is cross-play to your gaming experience? Is it even on your radar?


Peter Brosdahl
As a child of the 70’s I was part of the many who became enthralled by the video arcade invasion of the 1980’s. Saving money from various odd jobs I purchased my first computer from a friend of my dad, a used Atari 400, around 1982. Eventually it would end up being a lifelong passion of upgrading and modifying equipment that, of course, led into a career in IT support.

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