Diablo IV Is Getting Annual Expansions

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Image: Blizzard Entertainmen

Diablo IV is getting a new expansion every year. Rod Fergusson, SVP and GM of the Diablo franchise at Blizzard Entertainment, revealed the news in a recent interview with Dexerto, telling the publication that the action RPG’s quarterly seasons are being complemented with “annual expansions,” implying new and major storyline/content additions every year. Season of Blood, Diablo IV’s second, vampire-themed season, begins October 17.

Patrick Dane: This is a broader question – how long does the future of Diablo 4 go? How far does that vision go? You know, we’ve come through the launch, which had this really nice condensed campaign. And now we’re at the seasonal stuff, so, like how long does that live?

Rod Fergusson: Yeah, I mean, obviously, that’s like how long is a piece of string.

Dane: Exactly.

Fergusson: But, you know, it’s years and years. That’s the thing we’re focused on. When you look at the launch of the game and this first season, we see that as building a foundation on which we can build for the future. So, as we look at our quarterly seasons, and we look at our annual expansions, those are the things that we’re really focused on for our live service.

We’ve got plans, we have storylines that go well into the future. We’ve got plans. We’re always leapfrogging our seasons, and leapfrogging our expansions, so it’s something we are going to do for a long time. We’re excited.

When you look back and realise that there were 11 years between D3 and D4, that feels like we didn’t live up to our players, our community, and what they deserve. That’s something we are rectifying in D4 with our seasons and our expansions.

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Tsing Mui
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