Rumor: New God of War to Be Announced for PlayStation 5 Next Month

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Image: Santa Monica Studios

According to Moore’s Law Is Dead (yeah, that guy again), Santa Monica Studios will unveil a new God of War title during Sony’s next State of Play event, which will take place sometime in August. Apparently, the sequel to the 2018 hit will feature jaw-dropping, photo-realistic graphics that will definitively demonstrate what the PlayStation 5 is capable of and what gamers can expect out of next-generation flagship titles.

God of War is one of Sony’s most critically acclaimed and financially successful franchises, so the announcement of a fifth installment isn’t exactly shocking, especially when you consider how the last game ended (Thor…). Nonetheless, an official announcement should be music to PlayStation fans’ ears and a great motivator for securing the next-gen console.

That’s not all, though. Moore’s is also claiming that Sony is prepping an ultra-secretive exclusive that will launch alongside the PS5. He couldn’t say that much, but he did reveal that it’s a “revival” of a classic PlayStation franchise, and that PS5 engineer Mark Cerny was working on it.

What could it be? SOCOM? Twisted Metal? There’s a lot of exciting possibilities!

Tsing Mui
News poster at The FPS Review.

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