GameStop Entering PC Hardware Business?

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GameStop has been in a lot of serious financial trouble lately, so it’s been exploring different avenues in a last-ditch attempt to save itself. One of those roads could involve DIY hardware enthusiasts such as ourselves.

r/PCGaming has discovered a new section on GameStop’s store that’s dedicated to PC components. While the listings are sparse, they comprise items that the video games retailer hasn’t dabbled with before, such as routers, liquid cooling systems, thermal paste, and computer cases.

We’re not convinced that GameStop can compete with the likes of Micro Center, Newegg, and other thoroughly established retail behemoths (e.g., Amazon, Best Buy), but the direction makes plenty of sense. With the PC gaming and DIY market being as huge as it is, some enthusiasts may be interested in a local entity for immediate hardware purchases.

The trade-in offers should also be pretty interesting. “Wow, this GeForce RTX 3080 is in excellent condition. Here is $30 for it.”

Tsing Mui
News poster at The FPS Review.

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