Disney+ Removes “Crater,” a New Movie That Only Came Out in May

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Variety has learned that Disney has gotten rid of Crater from its streaming service, and it’s a surprising discovery, being that the movie, which is directed by Kyle Patrick Alvarez and centers around a group of teens in space, only came out on May 12, less than two months ago. The movie’s early axing, which is reportedly part of Disney’s cost-cutting measures, has prompted many subscribers to get through their watchlist sooner rather than later.

Another victim of Disney’s cost-cutting on the streaming front has emerged: “Crater,” a sci-fi adventure film about a group of children that hijack a rover before a member of the group relocates to a new planet. The film, starring Mckenna Grace and Isaiah Russell-Bailey with a featured role played by Kid Cudi, drew mostly positive reviews around its debut on the streaming service on May 12. Roughly seven weeks later, “Crater” has been pulled from Disney+.

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