Intel Graphics Driver Adds Computing Improvement Program for Data Collection

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Image: Intel

Intel graphics users have discovered that the company has begun implementing its Computing Improvement Program within its latest driver packages. The component, which appears to be ticked by default during the installation process, was created as a way for Intel to collect data about a system to provide better product improvements, according to a support page that includes a FAQ about how to participate in the program, including what data is collected, privacy and security concerns, and how to leave the program. Intel clarified that sensitive personal information is not collected as part of its Computing Improvement Program.

Intel wants to empower you by providing the best computing experience. This program uses information about your computer’s performance to make product improvements that may benefit you in the future.

Simply download…and accept consent—we’ll do the rest. Intel uses all reasonable efforts to safeguard your data. This software does not collect your name, email address, phone number, sensitive personal information, or physical location (except for country).

Image: Intel/TechPowerUp

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Tsing Mui
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