Far Cry 7 Launches in Fall 2025, with a Campaign Mode Inspired by 24: Sources

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Image: 20th Television

“Damn it, Chloe!” Ubisoft is planning to release Far Cry 7 in the fall of 2025, and it will feature a campaign mode that sounds like it was inspired by episodes of 24, according to sources with Insider Gaming (alternate link). The latest installment of the open-world FPS, which reportedly takes place in a tropical island called Kimsan, is said to feature a single-player mode that revolves around the player having to save their family within a specific time frame, namely, “24 hours in real-time.” Far Cry 7 will also seemingly let players “interrogate” enemies, although maybe differently than how Jack Bauer typically does it.

While exact, finite details are subject to change due to the game’s stage of development, it was said that the premise of the campaign is for the player to rescue their entire family within a specific time frame.

Far Cry 7’s non-linear story means that family members do not need to be rescued in order, and some family members can be killed, which has an impact on the story. While details are still a little murky, it’s understood that the goal is to take down the ‘Sons of Truth’ and in order to complete the game 100%, you’ll need to rescue all of your family members safely.

To find your family members, it was said that Far Cry 7 introduces a new interrogation mechanic to the game, which doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get the information you need from the enemy. Sometimes the enemy will give up the information, sometimes they’ll lie, stay quiet, or even sometimes escape, it was said.

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Tsing Mui
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