OpenAI Launches GPT-4 Turbo AI Model with Support for Inputs of Up to 300 Pages in Length

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Image: OpenAI

OpenAI has announced new models and developer products during today’s DevDay event, and chief among them appears to be GPT-4 Turbo, a new version of its popular multimodal model that features not only more up-to-date data, but also support for even lengthier content. According to a blog post that OpenAI shared this afternoon, GPT-4 Turbo supersedes the original with a 128k context window, allowing users to paste in content of up to 300 pages in length—a big upgrade over the original’s 3,000-ish words. Additionally, GPT-4 Turbo is based on training data that goes up to April 2023, meaning that it can provide the answers to even more important questions, like who won the Super Bowl in February 2022. GPT-3.5 Turbo, another update that improves upon the original with a 16K context window by default, was also announced by OpenAI today.

GPT-4 Turbo is more capable and has knowledge of world events up to April 2023. It has a 128k context window so it can fit the equivalent of more than 300 pages of text in a single prompt. We also optimized its performance so we are able to offer GPT-4 Turbo at a 3x cheaper price for input tokens and a 2x cheaper price for output tokens compared to GPT-4.

GPT-4 Turbo is available for all paying developers to try by passing gpt-4-1106-preview in the API and we plan to release the stable production-ready model in the coming weeks.

In addition to GPT-4 Turbo, we are also releasing a new version of GPT-3.5 Turbo that supports a 16K context window by default. The new 3.5 Turbo supports improved instruction following, JSON mode, and parallel function calling. For instance, our internal evals show a 38% improvement on format following tasks such as generating JSON, XML and YAML. Developers can access this new model by calling gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 in the API. Applications using the gpt-3.5-turbo name will automatically be upgraded to the new model on December 11. Older models will continue to be accessible by passing gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 in the API until June 13, 2024.

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Tsing Mui
News poster at The FPS Review.

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