Rocksteady Details Its First Post-campaign Content for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League including Playable Joker

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Image: Rocksteady Studios

The latest episode of Suicide Squad Insider introduces Elseworlds where a team from Rocksteady details its first post-campaign story content. The episode begins with the team emphasizing how Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been purposely designed to offer the most “generous, player-friendly post-launch experiences possible,” which given the game’s already questionable status as a live-service or GaaS project, could be a difficult sell for gamers. However, as Rocksteady details how it plans to not only continue to roll out new, free, content it also shares how players will be able to go back to previous seasons and replay them without having to purchase them. It also doubles down that the in-game store is only for cosmetic items, something that has also been previously said.

Perhaps the most exciting part of Insider Episode 3 is where we learn that Rocksteady is going to use the “Elseworlds” concept from the comics to have the players travel to alternate universes and timelines. It is during one such event that the team encounters a different version of the Joker. This version is more like the one seen in the first Suicide Squad movie, then portrayed by Jared Leto, as the Arkahm version has now been dead for five years. Another interesting feature is that someone can play the solo campaign, but use an AI-controlled version of a character they’ve been in team play with, and that player will also receive awards for game progression.

Added teamplay features

Another interesting feature is that someone can play the solo campaign, but use an AI-controlled version of a character they’ve been in team play with, and that player will also receive awards for game progression. Rocksteady goes on to share there will be other team-related features such as a kind of competitive one-up type of ribbing between friends. When a player manages to beat a friend’s score they will receive a quip from the server about it. While this game is already getting comparisons to Fortnite and other battle royale-type games, it sounds as if Rocksteady is trying to make something a bit more involving by promising to continually add free story content while allowing players to always be able to revisit it down the road and adding additional team play features as well.

Per Steam:

“The mission doesn’t end after you save the world.

In episode 3 of Suicide Squad Insider, the team at Rocksteady gives a sneak peek at the post-launch content coming to Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Gather your personally customized Squad to continue the fight, and test your mettle against others.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is available February 2, 2024. Preorder the Deluxe Edition and jump into the mayhem 72 hours early starting January 30, 2024!

The Deluxe Edition includes:

  • 3 Black Mask Notorious Weapons
  • 4 Squad Golds Weapon Dolls
  • 1 Battle Pass Token*

Preorder the Deluxe Edition and get:

  • Classic Outfits
  • 72 Hour Early Access**

* Battle Pass Token redeemable for Premium Battle Pass access (Seasons 1-4 Battle Passes, subject to availability). One Battle Pass available per season. WB Games may modify or discontinue online services with reasonable notice at any time.
** Early Access starting January 30, 2024. Actual play time depends on purchase date and is subject to possible outages and applicable time zone differences.”

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Peter Brosdahl
As a child of the 70’s I was part of the many who became enthralled by the video arcade invasion of the 1980’s. Saving money from various odd jobs I purchased my first computer from a friend of my dad, a used Atari 400, around 1982. Eventually it would end up being a lifelong passion of upgrading and modifying equipment that, of course, led into a career in IT support.

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