Aspyr Wants Fans to Know That It Is Working on Fixing Issues for STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection

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Image: Aspyr Media

The STAR WARS: Battlefront Classic Collection was off to a rough launch and Aspyr wants folks to know it’s working on improvements. Players hoping to jump right into matches after firing up the classic games were met with disappointment as they quickly found out that it was nearly impossible to get in. It didn’t take long for folks to realize that there were only 3 servers available at launch for the immensely popular games that once captivated players on consoles and PC alike in the mid-2000s, and not long after they began posting their frustrations online.

While the game still has an overwhelmingly negative rating on Steam with nearly 5,000 reviews, Aspyr wants everyone to know that it is aware and is working on fixing online gameplay issues. It has posted the following on its website updating folks and has also included a link for other bug reporting.

Per Aspyr Media Support Page:

“We’d like to thank the Battlefront community for their overwhelming support and feedback for the STAR WARS™  Battlefront Classic Collection release. 

At launch, we experienced critical errors with our network infrastructure.  The result was incredibly high ping, matchmaking errors, crashes, and servers not appearing in the browser. 

Since launch, we’ve been working to address these issues and increase network stability, and we will continue our efforts until our network infrastructure is stabilized to prevent further outages.”

It should also be noted that issues with online gameplay seem to be the tip of the iceberg. The “most helpful” review so far on Steam says it in a nutshell that Aspyr seems to have a lot more work ahead of it than just beefing up its network infrastructure and those with that nostalgic itch may want to hold off until other issues are addressed.

Per Steam:

“Aside from all the issues mentioned by all the players, this repack breaks most mods for PC due to changes in the file system that to me, make no sense, since the game is as buggy as the previous version or worse. it’s not better, and the new functions like splitscreen barely work. As a modder who has worked on a big mod project for this game for years, I find this release pitiful to say the least, and it’s a shame that we modders were not consulted as they were for the Tomb Raider Remaster which gave great results for that particular release”

Image: Valve

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Peter Brosdahl
As a child of the 70’s I was part of the many who became enthralled by the video arcade invasion of the 1980’s. Saving money from various odd jobs I purchased my first computer from a friend of my dad, a used Atari 400, around 1982. Eventually it would end up being a lifelong passion of upgrading and modifying equipment that, of course, led into a career in IT support.

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