Horizon Zero Dawn Receives Its Fifth PC Patch

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Horizon Zero Dawn Patch 1.04 img

Horizon Zero Dawn for PC may have gotten off to a rocky start, but Guerilla Games has been working very diligently in getting patches out. It is always refreshing to see a developer continue with support for a game that is ported over to the PC from consoles. The latest patch, 1.04, adds further optimizations and crash fixes.

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when users would create a new game and their save game slots were full
  • Fixed a startup crash related to the temp folder
  • Fixed an AI crash that could occur during combat
  • Fixed an AI crash in the EventMessageHandler
  • Fixed a crash related to WorldData sampling (the callstack would end in WorldMapData::SampleAtPixel)
  • Fixed a crash when users would instantly back out when changing sliders in the Settings menu
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when having the “Greetings” option open in photo mode and then exiting
  • Potential fix for memory corruption in AI routines which could lead to crashes
  • Potential fix for a GPU hang caused by a threading issue
  • Fixed a mismatch that would occur on Shader Model 6.0 and 6.1 hardware which could lead to a crash

Various Improvements

  • General improvement to CPU performance (depending on CPU/GPU speeds, this can result in a 1-10% performance improvement)
  • Improved performance of camera cuts in cinematics and conversations
  • HDR – Fixed color banding issues in HDR mode
  • Mouse Controls – Fixed an issue where mouse sensitivity was incorrect when framerate wasn’t constant
  • Aiming – Fixed an issue where Aloy was unable to shoot while being able to do a critical attack near a machine
  • Cutscenes – Fixed an issue where geometry and textures would pop in after camera cuts
  • Adaptive Performance – Fixed an issue where lighting glitches would occur when turning on Adaptive Performance
  • Volumetrics – Fixed an issue which could cause blinking artifacts in volumetric effects, like fog
  • Visibility – Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause geometry to briefly disappear after streaming

Known issues still being worked on

  • Some players are experiencing an out of memory error during the game optimization process.
  • Some players are experiencing graphical settings issues, such as Anisotropic Filtering or HDR not working correctly.
  • Some players are experiencing performance issues on specific GPUs or hardware combinations.
  • Some players are experiencing issues with Aloy’s hair when the game is running above 30 FPS.
  • We’re aware of and continue to investigate issues that are not yet solved on both the player-compiled lists by u/EvilMonkeySlayer and u/Rampage572 – thank you!
Peter Brosdahl
As a child of the 70’s I was part of the many who became enthralled by the video arcade invasion of the 1980’s. Saving money from various odd jobs I purchased my first computer from a friend of my dad, a used Atari 400, around 1982. Eventually it would end up being a lifelong passion of upgrading and modifying equipment that, of course, led into a career in IT support.

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