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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to Pay Out $38 Billion in Divorce Settlement

Jeff Bezo's soon-to-be-ex-wife MacKenzie Bezos is set to become the fourth-richest woman in the world, as a court will be granting her a 4% stake in Amazon. These shares happen to be worth $38 billion, which...

Tim Sweeney Blames Valve for Shenmue 3 Backers Not Getting Steam Keys

Ys Net and Deep Silver's original plan was to release Shenmue 3 on Steam, but that's no longer happening (at least, not for a while) because they sold out to the Epic Games Store, where it...

GTA, Borderlands, and Other Take-Two Games Could Be Getting Shorter

Triple-A games such as Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, and Borderlands take many years to develop. While the average fan is willing to put up with the wait between releases (the complexity of open worlds...

Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software to $9-an-Hour Engineers

Boeing's 737 MAX Software was clearly flawed, and the mystery of why is slowly unraveling. New comments from the company's engineers suggest that the fault lies with lower-paid workers. Boeing had been laying off its own experienced...

Microsoft Edge Preview Adds Tracking Protection

Love some anti-tracking in preview builds? Clippy unavailable for comment. Microsoft says yes to this and adds some more privacy to their Edge Browser. "Tracking prevention is designed to protect you from being tracked by websites...

More Photos of 8 GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER Leaked

NVIDIA's upcoming SUPER cards are proving to be one of the worst-kept secrets ever. A handful of new photos have now leaked showing the RTX 2060 variant at all angles, with the new SUPER badge in...

Fungus in Space at the International Space Station

Do you have bad dreams about space and molds? Jell-O Molds? Jell-O Jiggler Molds? So do the astronauts on the International Space Station. The astronauts spend a lot of time cleaning spores/molds/fungus off of everything on...

A FULL SIZED C64 Coming To You in December

Do you love big beige keyboards with clickity click buttons? Do you love the C64? Does your dog love digging a million holes in the backyard for you to break your legs in? Well this...

Support for the Latest Wacom Tablets in Linux Kernel 5.3!

Whats on your Linux drawing board? Hopefully it's a Wacom Pen Tablet as Wacom is giving the Linux community some love recently! The latest Linux Kernel 5.3 will be adding support for their fancy new $1500 pen tablet. "MobileStudio...

Another Day, Another Giant Hack Found

What does Netflix, Ford, TD Bank, and Buckets have to do with each other? Apparently a lot if they all have data on an open S3 Amazon Bucket. Doh! They are saying that consumer data is "OK"...

Halo: Reach PC “Tip of the Spear” 4K Playthrough Released

343 Studios has uploaded an 18-minute look at what Halo: Reach looks like on PC, running in 4K. Needless to say, it's a substantial improvement over the Xbox versions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdGJQ7qY2mU As promised, Microsoft and 343 Industries have initiated...

Extraterrestrial Radio Bursts Origin Tracked to Source Thanks to New Tech!

How big is your radio dish? Not bigger than the Australians sadly. The Australian ASKAP (Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder) has 36 antennas for tracking pulses like radio waves and such! "The sub-arcsecond localization for FRB 180924 allows us...

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